source: Glucose (Private)
- fatigue, depression and anxiety
- Damage tissues
Extreme spikes
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Metabolic dysfunction
- Your body is becoming insulin resistant
- glucose can decrease by 5% during REM sleep (compared to non-rem sleep)
- extra pressure on sensor can cause low values
- minimize post meal spike
- keep glucose variability low
- keep fasting glucose at low end
Raw Notes
why high glucose can be bad
- inflammation (immune response)
- oxidative stress (free radicals in body)
- glycation (glucose getting stuck)
what causes high glucose
food: 15min
stress, cortisol tell liver to make and produce glucose
sleep, bad sleep cause higher cortisol
- impairs liver ability to make glucose but also promote breakdown of stored glucose
- shouldn’t affect in healthy individuals
- those fasting or in ketogenic state, bad since glucose levels are already low
- light and mild drinks doesn’t affect this
exercise levels
- moderate aerobic activiy for 30min 3x/week over 8 weeks improves insulin resistance and glycemic control
- 155lb person w/10% body fat
- store 1,800 cal from glucose (2h exercise)
- 63,000 cal from fat
- insulin resistant obese people don't burn fat as effectively
- 60% VO2 or lower use fat
- 80% VO2 or above uses glucose
- will result in glucose spike during and after exercise
- this is fine and helps improve insulin resistance
- recommendation
- exercise more often in shorter bursts