
Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Had a cheat day today with waffle fries and a burger. Can you guess when that happened?

glucose levels

The Tim Ferriss Show


I’ve heard, that we have dual citizenship. We’re children of the divine or children, sons and daughters of God. And we also have these kind of screwed up biographical details. We’ve got genetic details that we would have maybe not preferred.

“Everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you

laughter is carbonated holiness

The struggle ends when the gratitude begins

Neale Donald Walsch

Help me get out of the way to write what wants to be written.

“Through love, all pain will turn to medicine"

Rumi poem


  • wanting to help someone is often about control, let people do their own thing
  • everyone goes through dark night of the soul
  • laughter is carbonated holiness
  • 1 inch picture plane; write in 45min, pods
  • you created god in your own image when he hates all the same people you do
  • i was flight attendant of family
  • twilight can be day to night or night to day

Indie Hackers


  • aim for perfect tuesday #system
    • instead of finding happiness in 10 years after the perfect exit, think of your perfect day and aim to do more of that
    • shower, wake up without alarm, etc



  • for sales #area.business
    • people don’t care how much you know but know how much you care
    • information by itself doesn’t do anything, its information in right context
    • work on things that don’t change, Jeff Bezos (Private) quote
