Dendron Seed Bank
Building a Public Registry for General Knowledge
- Background
- Dendron
- Seed Bank
- Q & A
- I'm Kevin
- Software Engineer @ AWS
- Founded a few SaaS Businesses
- Independent AWS Consulting
- Dendron full time since April 2020 (YC W21)
Dendron is a hierarchal knowledge base that lets developers organize and reference any amount of information. It is open source, local first, and built right into the IDE.
Structured Knowledge
Dendron does for knowledge what excel does for numbers - we help people create and enforce a consistent structure for their information
Dendron - Basics
- write in plaintext markdown
- find anything using lookup and backlinks
- organize and refactor your notes using schemas
Dendron - Hierarchies and Schemas
- the type system for your notes
Dendron Vaults
- partition your notes for different contexts
- eg. work/personal, published/private
Seed Bank
A Public Registry for General Knowledge
NPM for Docs
Why we built it
- build on top of what has come before
- make knowledge modular and composable
- make knowledge more like code
- incorporate knowledge modules (seeds) into your own workspace
- share what you know and have others contribute
- build out an open knowledge registry of everythiing
Adding a Seed
dendron seed add dendron.tldr
Creating a seed
dendron seed init kevin.hello --mode create_workspace
Publishing a seed
Coming soon
dendron seed publish
Future Work
- proper attribution for all seeds with license and relevant metadata
- global backlinks for insight to all projects using a given seed
- versioning
- make sure seed data is both machine and human readable
- seed bank beta (mid August)
- work with some partners to put out first party content
- beta bank general launch (september)
In Closing
"We are overwhelmed with information and we don't have the tools to properly index and filter through it. [The development of these tools, which] will give society access to and command over the inherited knowledge of the ages [should] be the first objective of our scientist" - Vannevar Bush, 1945