I write in multiple phases. First an idea. Then an outline. Then a more detailed outline. Then a version. Then another. Etc.
Its like when you spent ten minutes trying to compose the perfect one line response by text. I
I just started using the AWS CDK at the time. I was a recovering YML addict and a cloudformation junkie. The CDK felt like the answer to a prayer I didn't know I had.
My strong feelings for the CDK led me to write the aforementioned article.
It did well and was featured on the front page of HN among other places. It also was one of the things that led to AWS hiring me back as a consultant.
This goes into the messy details of writing this blog post which in total, took me 8 hours to write.
I felt exhausted after publishing - even though I didn't completely hate the article, it just seemed hard to justify the time I spent doing it. But publishing content is like planting mixed seeds, you never know what might come from it. In this case, it ended up being picked up by some people from AWS and eventually led to me picking up AWS as a client.
While the majority of my articles have no obvious impact, they all make, TODO
I felt exhausted after publishing - even though I didn't completely hate the article, it just seemed hard to justify the time I spent doing it. But publishing content is like planting mixed seeds, you never know what might come from it. In this case, it ended up being picked up by some people from AWS and eventually led to me picking up AWS as a client.
While the majority of my articles have no obvious impact, they all make, TODO