Key Points
Bigger Context
most tools are used to serve a bigger context
- Eg. Cool camera vs cool photographer
Badass means developing expertise
Badass users talk about what they do to users
Don’t do faux badass with badges, need real skills
Don’t make a better x but better user of x
design for post ux ux
- Eg. User shares picture, gets good comments that makes them want to do more
how would your user compete against other users

- user ability with tool should also translate to ability in context

- avoid the suck zone
- User spend more time but not get more ability
- Watch out for upgrades that bring users back into suck zone
- watch out for levelling off after suck zone
- Watch out for stuck zone

- exercise: how does your user get stuck
- Never publish a note
- Never use links
- Never use schemas
- Need to get past stuck zone
- definition of badass in your context
- Given a sprint task involving new technologies an expert can deliver results and build expertise for the future
- for tool
- Given a a sprint task with new tech, a user of Dendron can easily plan out their steps and make references for future use
if you can’t get to 95% proficiency in 3 practice sessions, its too much
perceptual knowledge: what experts do but aren’t aware of doing (aka intuition)
Help users gain this through surfacing patterns and cues
- Experts practice better
- Experts develop perceuptual knowldege through high quality high quantity exposure with feedback
make users want to get better
Users don’t move ahead of “stuck zone”
Gap of disconnect: achieving compelling context but being prevented by the tool
Derailers: things that cause the gap of disconnect
- Anticpiate
- Snowboarding (things do suck the first day)
- Compensate
- Anticpiate
achieving mastery
Create a performance path
- What is needed for mastery
exercxise: belt path
- Install dendron
- Open preview
- Type
- Lookup to create a new note
- Create a wiki link
- ....
- Create a schema
- Publish a site
Show progress (what can you do in first 30min)
Exercise: first superpower for your context
- Lookup to find a note
- Daily journals
- Share a link
- Share a note
after 1st superpower, figure out how to lead user to next super power
Create experiences that are intrisnsically rewarding (not badge but better result)
Give users high payoff tips
- when adding new feature, make sure it doesn’t add additional cognitive cost
- Cake or fruit feature
- reduce cognitive leaks
- Help users track behavior, making things automatic
- Focus on top of mind problem
- Motive-aider, help with posture, every two minutes get a pleasing vibration sensation
- assume no willpower
- Build automatic habits
- Intrinsically rewarding exercises (eg. Daily journals)
- Get past brain spam filter
- Make it visceral
- Use obj oriented code vs show a terrible code base
- convince with context
- Don’t want emotional flatline
- Have a nike moment
- cut down on just in case knowledge
- Question anything that is just in case
- Map knowledge to specific skills
- Make it visceral
